- Yoga/Long Walks - I used to do Yoga many years ago and it slowly got put to one side as I started working and could say I got slightly lazy...no that is the reason actually. I hardly ever go for long walks, I mostly get a lift to work or catch buses/trains to places. Seeing as the 10k race that I am taking part in involves walking/running I would need to be fit and ready to be walking so much. So my aim is to do Yoga at least 3 days a week and go for a walk maybe in the morning or afternoon to work or else where.
- Drink More Water/Make More Smoothies - Drinking wise I am never the best when it comes to drinking water. The drink I mostly have everday is lemonade and some days I have noticed how bloated I feel once it comes to eating a meal to the point where I can't even eat most of my meal because I feel full already. It also hasn't helped my skin as I have experienced more blemishes around my chin. So I am going to stay off lemonade and stick to having water. I also have a smoothie maker that I have not used for a long time so I want to try and make my own smoothies or follow recipes of what others have done.
- Visit Somewhere I Have Never Been Before - Recently I have enjoyed going out of Birmingham and visiting my boyfriend who is currently in Stoke. I had never been to Stoke before so visiting him and going to new places for him also has been exciting. But now my next place on my list is Brighton. I have been wanting to travel to Brighton for a quite a while now and I think this could be a new trip for me soon. If you know any good places to go to in Brighton please feel free to tweet me or leave a comment below on this post.
- Take More Photos On Instagram - My instagram page has become abandoned recently, I used to adore taking photos on my instagram as I liked the idea of sharing memories or just small things with my followers, you guys I guess if you do follow me on there. But now I just want to start taking photos again even if it is just a small thing or something memorable that I do want to share.
Do you have any goals set for this month?
thank you for reading!♥